August 19, 2020

My what a difference a day can make. A storm last Friday has us in flood stage. We had to shut down for a couple days due to uncertainty of ramp closures. Since that did not happen it is game on again. The good news of this is all that research from the 2010 and […]

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August 10, 2020

The river was up and down one more time. It appears to be level now and the big fish know it. The past four or five days have been game on for big fish. Fish have moved to the middle of the river and are eating just about anything you throw at them. We are […]

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July 23, 2020

River levels are about perfect. There are lots of big fish around and they want to eat. Sucker and frog have been the best baits. Now that the water is stable the fish have moved into the current and are putting on the feed bags down the stretch. We still have dates available if you […]

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July 17, 2020

Water levels have been up and down causing spotty fishing some days. When we find them we rock em, when we don’t we work hard and still find some fish.  The bite has been on the off current side near holes with sucker and now frog being good baits of choice. We still have dates […]

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July 9, 2020

The spawn has come to and end and with the recent high water the fish are rockin. There are lots of 13 to 15 pounders around and some pushing 20 pounds or better. They are bulking back up now so big fish are just around the corner.  Right now as the water drops the fish […]

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June 26, 2020

The spawn is wrapping up over the next week or so. Fishing right now is challenging but still very nice fish around. They have been off current near structure or the first drop off next to the bank. This is Scheels Boundary Battle week. Good luck to all participants. Be safe and have fun. We […]

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June 18, 2020

The spawn is in full swing now. Water temps are about 75 degrees so it should be fairly quick. A rise in water level over the past week has brought in new pre spawn or fish that won’t spawn making fishing much better. Fish have been hanging out near the banks out of the current. […]

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June 9, 2020

The spawn is in full swing. The annual grind has begun. We have been getting fish and working hard for them. It is time consuming but we have been getting big fish tight to the root balls by using the side imager to find the sweet spot of the ball. We are also in at […]

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June 4, 2020

The heat of the last few days has pushed water temps into the low 70s. If this holds the spawn is not far off. Here is what we know, we have lots of big fish in the system and the spawn is only a couple weeks long. So far 2020 has been a great season. […]

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May 25, 2020- Biggest Bite in Years

What started out as a challenging May has become the best bite I have seen in years. The conditions are absolutely perfect and the fish are eating just about everything. If  you head them off on the right current seam you can ride the bite for hours.  This bite will only last a week or […]

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