May 22, 2024

Things have slowed a little over the past week. All this means is the crazy numbers of fish are more normal/ Water levels remain perfect, water temps are still in the low-60s and the bigger catfish are continuing to move in. There has been rain upstream near Fargo that is going to put the FM area into minor flooding. As this moves north (based on current projections) it will bring the river up a foot or two but should not cause many issues.

Patterns remain the same again this week. Look for catfish in the faster water right on the break line or smaller holes near that line. Sun still seems to be playing a factor and as it gets higher and puts some heat on things and they will move into the faster current.  Expect to sit on spots at least 20 minutes before getting bigger fish bites. I have been sitting on spots for 35-40 minutes if I get fish around that 20 minute mark.  You will know whether to move or not when the time comes.

Bait still doesn’t matter again this week. I have had great success on sucker and others have told me goldeye is working great too.

The stars are still aligned so be sure to take advantage.

2024 Rates (All other rates from other sites are void) All trips can have up to 3 people

4hr (M-TH Only) $350

8hr $550

Drayton- 7 hrs fishing $550

Call or email for best dates 701-739-5808

Posted in Reports.