Red River Catfish Reports

June 28, 2022

My what a difference a few days can make. We went from sluggish slow fishing with a big fish from time to time to GAME ON! Big fish biting fast and often. Right now, the fish are on fire and what the bait is really does not matter. With that the water has come up […]

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June 14, 2022

We finally got in the river at Grand Forks on Sunday. As far as I know the two Grand Forks ramps are the only two open on the Red River right now. Big rains Tuesday may or may not affect us. As of now there should be little change. Due to the river levels falling […]

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June 9, 2022

We will indeed start fishing on Sunday and hit the ground running with customers on Tuesday. June 21, 23, and 29. July 6, 10, 18, 27, 28, 29.  August and September have lots of openings.   701-739-5808              

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June 6, 2022

No rain for almost a week and the river is falling very very slowly. Right now the projections say we will get in next Sunday or Monday. At the fall rate it will be one day of looking around and GO time now that we are a full month behind on the season and will […]

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June 1, 2022

Well more big rains over the weekend and we went from starting this week to yet another hold up. Some day we will get going.  If things get rolling I may cancel a family trip and add a week of dates the first part o June 16, 17, 21, 23, 28 and 29. July 10, […]

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May 27, 2022

The river is finally falling and it should be able to get ramps open mid-next week. As of right now I expect to be rolling by the weekend. Extended flooding like this is usually good for catfishing and water temps say the fish are here. We will be hitting the ground running this year with […]

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May 18, 2022

We are just a hair over 38 feet and the drop in river levels is incredibly slow. We have moved all trips out through May 31st and hopefully can get going June 1. This will have been the latest start for me by a long amount and it is really getting rough. As of right […]

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May 12, 2022

The river is at 41 feet and about to crest and it is pouring rain again. Right now I am holding out hope for May 27th start but it is looking more like June 1. This is new territory for me to lose this much season to start. Water temperatures are in the mid-50s and […]

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May 5, 2022

We had more rain and another crest at 45 or so feet this week. It is falling slow. While we have had to postpone some trips this is a situation that is most excellent for catching big catfish. We still hope to be going by May 23rd. We have a couple openings still in June […]

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April 25, 2022

Oh what a difference just a few days can make. We were coming down from our second flood and possibly could have been fishing this week. Then two weekends ago we had a blizzard with 14″ of wet snow and this past weekend three inches of rain on top of that. With frozen ground we […]

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For past years reports, please visit our archived website.

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