Red River Catfish Reports

May 5, 2020- Game ON

Ramps in Grand Forks are open and East Grand Forks is not far behind. The river is still falling fairly fast and the fish are still a bit messed up. We scouted today just to get a look. The catfish are out of the current near the slack water. They are confused as I mentioned […]

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May 3, 2020- Almost Time

The ramps should open any day and the river is ready. A couple days to scout it out and get some new video and we should be ready to roll. Conditions are about perfect. More to come later this week. To reserve your 2020 trip Call 701-739-5808 or email .    

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April 26, 2020- Almost Time

Not much has changed from my last prediction. Everything is shaping up perfectly. Hopefully the city has ramps opened up later this week so we can start scouting things out. I am still holding onto May 8th or 9th for a starting date.  Based on the calls I have taken over the past few days […]

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April 20, 2020- Almost Time

The flood is nearly over. The river should be under flood stage next weekend and level off the next week. Right now I am thinking about May 8th I will begin scouting around and will be guiding shortly after that. If you are interested in an early pre spawn trip get ahold of me to […]

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January 26, 2020

Winter has a firm grip on us right now. There is some strong prognosis of flooding. For now we are setting opening weekend for Memorial weekend. When we know more we will make adjustments to the schedule. So with that the phone has been ringing and weekends are starting to fill up. Lots of exciting […]

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December 23, 2019- Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas and Happy 2020. It is the off season and we have a lot going on this winter. We are preparing for the 2020 season, getting a Catfish University tour ready so stay tuned for more on that. More big news is we have signed on with a few great new sponsors for 2020. […]

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November 9, 2019 Catfish Report

Since my last report we have had a nearly major flood which is uncharted territory. Everything is back within the banks and we are quickly heading into freeze up. So like before we are expecting some spring flooding before we will get started. We are already booking 2020 and until we know more have set […]

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October 7, 2019 Catfish Report

The rains still have not stopped, the river is flooding and the water temperatures plummeted to below 50 degrees. With that the 2019 catfish season has ended.  Thank you to all who fished with me in 2019. We are already planning 2020. I expect some spring flooding so until we know for sure we will […]

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September 24, 2019 Catfish Report

Well things came to a halt in a hurry after five inches of rain Friday night. The river went from perfect and great fishing to flooded. We are currently shut down but if the weather stays kind of warm and this quick flood gets over later this week I can see a week or so […]

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For past years reports, please visit our archived website.

Click here to contact us or call 701-739-5808 for Questions or to Schedule your Guided Tour.